Knitting Patterns by Lyndell

Halter Neck Dress for Neo Blythes - here
Design your own Dress for Neo Blythes - here
Gum-Nut Hat for Neo Blythes - here

Who? What? eh?

This is the blog of a constant crafter - a 'showcase' for some of the things I make, some hints for crafting & recylcing - lots of photos and some words. I hope it will inspire.
Please Note: all photos are Copyright.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Just touching base

Yes - a long silence from me.  Mostly because I was overseas on holiday  :-)

Yes - it was lovely, 5 weeks in Europe in the Spring ... 5days in Brussels, the rest in France - just gorgeous and I still want to hop on the next plane and go back there.  The Food!   The lifestyle!  Very Big Sigh

I took my 2 Blythe Dolls (yes, quite silly I know, 2nd childhood etc)  but ... if you'd like to see photos etc of our journey I'm doing a blog for the "traveling Blythes" (as my poor suffering hubby called them).

Blythe Dolls' Bon Voyage 

Well, back in the real world - the knitting commissions have been coming thick & fast - will post as soon as I can.