Knitting Patterns by Lyndell

Halter Neck Dress for Neo Blythes - here
Design your own Dress for Neo Blythes - here
Gum-Nut Hat for Neo Blythes - here

Who? What? eh?

This is the blog of a constant crafter - a 'showcase' for some of the things I make, some hints for crafting & recylcing - lots of photos and some words. I hope it will inspire.
Please Note: all photos are Copyright.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Elephant Shark Egg Case

Elephant  +

Shark  +

Egg  +

Case  =

 Elephant Shark Egg Case

Found on Brighton Beach in Melbourne about a fortnight ago - here is another photo with the toes of my gym-boots so you can see the size.

At the time I didn't know what it was but suspected that it was the egg case of some sort of shark or ray.  After a little wandering about the www I think that it was most probably an Elephant Shark or Callorhynchus milii.  When hatched this is a funny looking thing - not quite a shark but a closely related Chimaerid - here are some links for lots - moreinformation.